Spiked Apple Cider Recipe

Spiked apple cider is the perfect cocktail to enjoy as the leaves turn brilliant shades of red and gold and a gentle chill fills the air. It's time to embrace the heartwarming flavors of the season. Amidst cozy scarves, crackling fires, and the aroma of autumn spices, there's a quintessential drink that captures the essence of fall like no other – spiked apple cider.

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The beauty of spiked apple cider lies in its adaptability. Whether you're hosting a casual gathering, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or celebrating with friends around a bonfire, you can tailor this beverage to suit the occasion. It can be enjoyed hot or cold. 

Why This Recipe Works

Crafting spiked apple cider is surprisingly simple, making it an ideal addition to your fall entertaining repertoire. With just a few ingredients and a bit of warming on the stovetop or not, you can present a beverage that exudes an air of sophistication without requiring extensive mixology skills.

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This post will show you how to make the perfect fall dessert. CONTINUE READING

How to Make Spiked Apple Cider

It's all in the cider

Your apple cider is the foundation of the entire recipe. You can make your own cider or buy it from the store. I haven't tried making my own cider yet. I prefer to get my apple cider from Trader Joe's. It's my absolute favorite brand.

My top liquor recommendations

Your liquor is the second most important part of the recipe. I've made this cocktail with both Jack Daniels Honey and Woodford Reserve bourbon. Another option would be Fireball. It depends on what overall taste you're looking for to use as a deciding factor for choosing your liquor for your spiked apple cider.








SERVINGS: 2     AUTHOR: Meka Dorsey


  • cocktail shaker


  • 1 apple
  • apple cider
  • brown liquor - Woodford Reserve bourbon, Jack Daniels Honey whiskey, or Fireball whiskey
  • cinnamon
  • cinnamon sticks


  1. Thinly slice your apples
  2. In your cocktail shaker, add in 1-2 shots of your brown liquor
  3. Add your apple cider careful not to over fill. 
  4. Add cinnamon to taste
  5. Put the lid on cocktail shaker and give it a good shake
  6. Pour over ice. Add in a few apple slices and cinnamon sticks.

Making spiked apple cider isn't just about combining ingredients – it's about creating an experience. From the rich flavors to the inviting aromas, this autumnal concoction offers a sensory journey that captures the essence of the season. So, whether you're seeking warmth, nostalgia, or a touch of elegance, indulge in the delight of spiked apple cider and make this fall even more unforgettable.

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Hi! I'm Meka, an Atlanta based lifestyle blogger and content creator.

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