Must Try At Home Fitness Programs

I have a love/hate relationship with working out at home. It can be very convenient for that quick morning workout or I’ll find a million of other things around the house to do instead of working out. I usually do a 30 minute workout before I start work (pre-covid). Now because I’ve been working remote for almost two years, I will workout during my lunch break if I don’t do it in the morning. I’m going to share with you some of my favorite at home fitness programs. You can follow my wellness journey on IG here.

Tone It Up

This is my favorite fitness program. I’ve been following Tone It Up since 2013 when I first started my wellness journey. I fell in love with the community. I met some amazing people through the TIU community. Katrina and Karena promotes women empowerment and togetherness. I love watching how this community has grown through out the years. They now have an app with their workouts and nutrition plans. They also offer apparel, protein, snack bars, and workout equipment. Check them out on IG and #TIUteam.


I started this program April 2020 during quarantine. I was looking for more toning workouts and less cardio. I wanted to focus on building and defining muscle. This program reminds me of barre because they often incorporate small movements. I definitely notice a difference in my body. Check them out on IG.

Lauren Gleisburg

I’ve been following LG for a few years now. What I love about her program is that it’s easy to follow, printable, and all the workouts given to you at once. You can do them at home or at the gym. She also offers a meal plan with some freebies on her site. Check her out on IG and #LGaccountability.


This is another program I’ve been following for a few years. I love how Cassey incorporates yoga in her workouts. She has the cutest workout equipment and workout apparel. Check her out on IG.

DB Method

This is a new program I started summer 2021 because I wanted to focus more on toning my booty. One of my friends recommended it and I fell in love. The equipment can be easily folded away when not in use. I also bought the addition workout accessories to do with their various programs they offer.


I don’t have one yet due to me living in an apartment right now, but it’s on my fitness wishlist. I’ve been eyeing this bike for awhile. The price, I don’t love, but some of my fitness friends are raving about it.

*I will periodically update this list should I try a new program.

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Hi! I'm Meka, an Atlanta based lifestyle blogger and content creator.

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